Exploring AKT2I

AKT2I (Accelerated Knowledge Transfer to Innovate) ran as an Innovate UK-funded pilot scheme delivered in 2022/23.

The programme was designed to create short-term collaborations between a Business Partner and a UK Knowledge Base* to rapidly inject innovation capacity. Inspired by the highly successful partnership model of KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership), AKT2I’s concept was to deliver a rapid and targeted intervention to accelerate the evaluation or development of an innovation project or concept, which has the potential for significant impact for the Business Partner.

A total of 129 projects were funded as part of this pilot. The range of projects were diverse – from bilingual communications tools to on-farm carbon capture – representing all kinds of businesses and third sector organisations right across the UK.

*UK Higher Education (HE), Further Education (FE) institution, Research Organisation (RTO) or Catapult.

AKT2I Pilot Case Studies

Find out more about a selection of the 129 pilot projects funded in the AKT2I pilot competition on the links below, or view the full project directory: